B: See, C's sailing in the sea with a crew of seaman to seize the seed of sea.
A: B, how could C , being sick and unable to withstand a breeze, be at sea? It's bleak that he would beat his nemesis, you ,B, and me, A!
B: He licked the mystical bead of the magical tree and went to the Borderless Beach to seek and eat the big beast.
A: Did he bring his super slingshot which could shoot down anything in the air and that have the unique ability to shrink?
B: It seems he did indeed. This is evident from the seagull that plummeted into the sea.
A: Oh,dear. How are we going to beat the super slingshot and bring the sacred seed of the sea which costed many men's life before the enemy reaches it?
B: Don't worry, the seed of the sea would only obey orders from people who seek it whole-heartedly and bestow people who only use for the right things the right to command it.
A: But, we are the antagonist to C, which is the protagonist. He's the good person whereas we are the bad.
B: It shall not be long before we take over his place. The ultimate resting place of the holy seed of the sea shall be my hands!
A: Shall I amend you?
B: Certainly.
A: Thank you.
B: You are most welcome.
A: Not at all.
B: Yes ,you are.
A: Gratifying to hear the words by you in credit of my good manners.
B: Not at all.
A: Yes, you are.
B: Just get on with the flaw you detected in my speech.
A: It is us that shall gain the final grasp of the seed of the sea and it is our hands, not solely yours, that shall cushion it.
B: Oh, something meagre.
A: No, this ain't small. Don't you remember what old grandma told us------beware of the Guardian of Self Conveyance who is also known as the Guardian of the Seed of the Sea which is a seed hidden in the depths or above the sea which no man has ever much closer to reaching it than us that is already at the verge of a huge whirlpool vying with our archrival C who has been roaming the sea and sunk ships tenfold the size of his as well as ships "tenthfold" , which were ironically harder to wreck apart than the former due to its ,holding people of sizes "tenthfold" the ordinary ones that are still living on earth today. Do you think we should try to reach an agreement between us and C?
B: No. We have sworn that we would never acknowledge each other that we share the same blood since disabling me by slicing off my hands a few years ago when we had a fight over the sea of holy seeds which could grant its owner divine powers that would enable one to dominate the sea of seeds in the land of the seed .As a result, I have put on a pair of metallic hooks that rust regularly and cannot be manipulated well as I do not have my own sense on it , causing me to eat with difficulty, troubles in setting myself upright and the worst of it all battered my ability to defend myself in face of adversaries. But we are approaching near to the portal of portals.
A: I am so excited. I can't wait to see how does the site which contains the sacred seed of the sea which powers are identical to that of the sea of seeds which many brave warriors have perished in the quest of it.
B: But besides that, I have some other intentions which I cannot reveal to anyone.
A: Vengeance, I guess.
B: Absolutely. No, it's not revenge . Yes , but no. Ah!I have forgotten that I should not say anything about it to anyone including you. Fine, I shall clarify it. I intend to take revenge on my brother by......
A: You whispered the last phrase , didn't you? Can you reiterate more loudly this time to me as it was inaudible.
B: No, I cannot repeat it. It's too terrible that any pirate would go insane at the thought of it. I would never repeat it again until it is done.
A: Emergency! C ship's firing cannons to our ship. We are under attack. Prepare the cannons!Wield your swords! Brace yourselves, my brave men! Remember no matter how everything ends, never give up!
B: I demand a ceasefire now!
A: Our ship is at danger, how could we possibly yield?
B: No questions, I am the captain and my orders are only to be obeyed. Nothing else is allowed.
A: You are wrong, you are not the only one having the highest power on this ship. I am the co-captain! My orders are to be obeyed too. I deserve the same respect.
B: I call for a ceasefire immediately! They are closing up the gap between the ships. If we do not stop, everyone on board would have to face death! They have came in contact with the port and they are invading our ship. We have to ceasefire and surrender!
A: Fine. This time you win. We shall ceasefire. All men disarm yourselves.
C: We finally meet again, brother. I have forgotten that we should not be known as brothers anymore. So, for what purpose did you come to see me? Surrender?
A: No, I am not surrendering, but I just want to tell you that you shall always be my brother, brother. I would do nothing to harm you anymore. I am here to surrender myself as your captive. But I have only one request, spare my ship and its crew.
C: I am touched. Okay, I accept your request and I shall let you go too. Brothers?
A: Yes! I am so grateful to have you back.
C: Me too. Come, you and your crew are invited to join us in a feast tonight. I insist you join.

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