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The Search Engine in the Blog of Everything

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Are there really other life forms out there?

The only known world where life exists is our gorgeous homeplanet:EARTH.We will never know whether life exists out there or we are the sole lonesome planet in this Universe despite the breakthroughs in science and technology.We are capable of viewing distances that took even light a significant time to travel using our highly-advanced observatories,but still, no signs of aliens.

Many people had claimed that they witness unidentified flying objects (UFO) and some were even abducted.None of these holds enough reliable evidence or proof to be verified.And so up till this day, many are sceptical of the existence of other life forms.

We will never know how an extraterrestial organism would be.Could they be more intelligent than us?Are they good or evil?Will they be able to interpret terrestial language?Are they capable of time-travelling?Thousands of questions are waiting to be answered and secrets to be unravelled.

There are a few planets that have high potential in supporting life,some would say Mars is the ideal place. But probes sent there found only a deserted land.Except the frozen ice cap at the poles, no fluid and surely no life.

Is there any chance to discover other life forms out there?As long as scientist keep on searching in the mysterious Universe ,I eventually believe there is still hope,despite of the setbacks experienced in the past.We must never give up!

1 comment:

  1. I believed that there are other life forms. Although it's not proven that there were, I still believe. In a universe so big, there's no way other life forms doesn't exist. Besides, some people said that they have seen UFO before. I wonder if it's real.
