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The Search Engine in the Blog of Everything

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Visit to Singapore Discovery Centre

I had a good time learning with my friends in the Singapore Discovery Centre.

The lake with a fountain in the centre was my first sight in reaching our destination after being in the air-conditioned bus for about half an hour.It was approximately 3pm then.

First, we were introduced to and briefed about the five pillars of the Total Defence:Economic Defence,Social Defence,Psycological Defence,Civil Defence and Military Defence.Singapore faced many challenges throughtout history and that does not mean Singapore is strong now that it has become a very well developed and properous country.It is still vulnerable to external and internal threats,albeit the triump in driving communism out of the nation.Terrorsism,man-made disasters,global warming, spreading of pandemic diseases,economic downturn and much more threats are spurring Singapore to take precautions and spread awareness to its people.

There are precautions and safety acts to be taken during an emergency.When an earthquake occurs,though it is most unlikely in Singapore,we should run and find an open space to prevent from being crushed by collapsing structures.If we happen to be inside a building,then hide under a table or something strong enough to withstand the impact of falling objects.

Besides these,I learnt the Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and roughly know how to perform it.This useful knowledge had saved many lifes that were at stake in the past.

Fire,benenificial but at the same time ,hazardous.Taking precautions so as not to cause fire can save us millions or even billions and sometimes,it can save lives.Do not touch a switch nor any electrical appliances with a wet hand.Secondly, do not overload a switch with too many plugs.Do not use faulty electrical appliances and never attempt to repair it as it might also cause electrocutions.

The month of February is a month to commemorate Singapore Total Defence Day,the day Singapore fell into Japanese rule during the Asia-Pacific War.Though it's been more than six decades that the war had finally ended,we must always be well-prepared because there are threats lurking .We got to be extremely alert and never neglect nor underestimate trivial problems.The 21st century will be very challenging and competitive,there's no doubt.

The trip widen my view although it was just for a mere 3 hours in such a quite large place.Very enriching.

1 comment:

  1. Good work Jia yi!!! You have been regularly updating your blog and that is very good!!! You still have not put up any posts about the short stories that we have done in school!!! Maybe you can inspire the students to comment on your blog if you do the same for them.
